Monday, September 23, 2013

The Bakken Museum

When it comes to planning holidays with the family, it does not take much to make the children happy, excited and looking forward to family trips. All you need to do is charter a Minneapolis bus and take them to visit the Bakken Museum and they will be having a blast there with all the fun things that they will get to do. The Bakken Museum is a place that allows visitors to explore and learn about the history, impact and applications of electricity in our lives.

Do give yourself and your family at least a few hours at the Bakken Museum. We are quite sure that once you arrive here with your family in the Minneapolis charter bus, your kids would be raring to go and not willing to leave. Hence, giving them a few hours to stay in the museum and totally enjoying themselves and trying out everything that they can lay their hands on would give them satisfaction and by the time you are ready to go, they would be more than willing to leave – without complaining. In case you didn’t already know, the museum was created by Earl Bakken who is the founder of Medtronics, as well as the inventor of the first portable pacemaker.

Inside the Bakken Museum, your kids will get to have fun with all the interactive displays and exhibits while on the outside of the museum, you will find it surrounded with four breathtaking gardens – the Florence Bakken Medicinal Garden, Green Energy Art Garden, Dakota Native Plants Garden and Healthy Heart Organic Garden. Each of the gardens is special and unique and in order to be able to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the gardens, you have to be there in person to see it and “feel” it. As you tour the museum, you will also find that they display “inventions” and “creations” that were made by the local youths, which is an excellent display because it gives the younger generation an opportunity to allow their imaginations become a reality with their inventions. From a laser light display box to a jewelry container that has a lock as well as a lie detector, the exhibits may even give your own kids some awesome ideas to try out when they get home and create something of their own too. Don’t forget to stop by their museum gift store before you go home – they have some really interesting items like the Sundrop earrings (we’ve been told that they are made out of recycle glass, sterling silver and sunshine) and magnetic board game for sale.

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